Móda na investování do kryptoměny stále trvá – podle odborníků e-mince jsou stále jedním z nejziskovějších směrů investice. Ale hodně začátečníků váhá nad zakoupením kryproměny, a neví, jak na to, nezná právní předpisy, které se jí týkají a neorientuje se odkud má čerpat vzdělávací materiály. Naštěstí, z měsíce na měsíc investování do kryptoměny je stále…
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Професионални обучения и безплатна криптовалута – образователен пакет трон
Модата да се инвестира в криптовалута продължава – според експертите, е-парите все още си остават едно от най-печелившите направления за инвестиция. Но много начинаещи все още се колебаят да закупят криптовалута, защото не са наясно как да боравят с нея, не познават законовите разпоредби, отнасящи се за това, а също и не се ориентират от…
Bitcoin - the fall of a giant?
Bitcoin is the first-ever cryptocurrency. For years, it was also the cryptographic currency known to people that could not name any other. For some time investing in Bitcoin was considered a golden deal, but the powerful player was quickly knocked off the pedestal. What was the growth of Bitcoin, and why did it fall? (more…)
The politics around cryptocurrencies – what changes will 2019 bring?
Both domestic and foreign legislators are quite cautious about cryptocurrencies. The year of 2019 will bring certain changes in taxation and fortunately these will be positive modifications. It is worth recalling that not so long ago the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) issued a warning against cryptocurrency, which may have raised suspicions that cryptocurrency might…